«VDWF Dialogue»

third english issue

«Best association magazine 2019»
VDWF awarded a prize!

VDWF receives the MediaV-Award

«VDWF Dialogue»

2nd English Issue

«VDWF Dialogue»

1st English Issue

VDWF-Magazine «VDWF Dialogue»

Since 2001, VDWF has been publishing its own and independent print magazine as a communication tool for the tool and mold making world. Initially launched as «VDWF aktuell» and reoriented in 2005 as «VDWF im Dialog», this magazine is firmly established in the industry today. The international Corporate-Media-Award «icma - Award of Excellence», as well as four yearly editions with a circulation of more than 13,000 copies speak for themselves. But read for yourself - one click is enough.
Printed quarterly, the magazine is a medium for relevant information to be distributed efficiently. In addition to professional news, the magazine also addresses economically and socially relevant topics, both within and outside of the industry. Both the publication and the associated online portal are geared towards engineers, designers, operators, personnel decision-makers, and marketing specialists in the expanded area of the member companies and their customers.

Around 10,000 magazines are sent to decision makers in the industry, and 1,000 copies are given to association members. About 2,000 magazines are distributed to interested parties at trade fairs and other events.

Association membership also includes a free subscription to «VDWF im Dialog» as well as discounted advertisement space.

Questions to the editor?

Fabian Diehr
wortundform GmbH

+49 (0)89 625005 35
Write an e-mail

Questions about advertising?

Melanie Hofmann
VDWF branch office Schwendi

+49 (0)7353 98860 12
Write an e-mail

Questions about the magazine?

Ralf Dürrwächter
VDWF branch office Schwendi

+49 (0)7353 98860 15
Write an e-mail

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Subscribe to the Magazine "VDWF im Dialog"

Would you like a subscription to the VDWF-magazine with free delivery to your mailbox four times a year? With the annual subscription at the preferential price that’s no problem. Just fill out the online form and the next issue is in your mailbox.

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Your Advertising in the Association

Reach the decision-makers in the industry. Online or print. VDWF members benefit from preferential conditions. Like almost everything at VDWF, this is also available to non-members.

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Media data

Here you will find detailed information about the readership, circulation and distribution, as well as the appearance and topics of the forthcoming editions of "VDWF im Dialog" in print and online.

Media data