Strong together
The VDWF’s main objective is to strengthen the German tool and mold making industry. Since its founding in 1992, the VDWF has been supporting mainly small and medium-sized companies, and has worked to strengthen them for joint future tasks. To this end, the VDWF combines and advocates for the interests of its member companies. Among the topics on which members receive competent advice and practical support are:
- Promotion of young talent
- Education and training
- Marketing and joint fairs
- Management and corporate management
- DIN standards committee
- CE conformity
- Expert assessments
- Press and public relations
- Lobbying
VDWF Active Meeting Space
In addition to the operational tasks, the association’s work is determined by strategic goals shared by its members. The VDWF works to continuously increase the positive public visibility of the industry. It also creates event formats which not only help members to stay ‘ahead by a nose’ organizationally and technologically, but which also promote exchanges within the association network. For example, the VDWF organizes:
- Segment-specific trade events
- Training courses, seminars, working groups, and workshops
- Joint stands at trade fairs and exhibitions in Germany and abroad
- Delegations and study trips
- Newsletters with technical information
- Active network appointments such as the tool making management meeting «voll wild» (“Totally Wild”), or the VDWF working groups «Additive Fertigung» (Additive Manufacturing), «Meister-Treff» (Master’s Meeting), «QM» (Quality Management), «Marketingleiter-Treff» (Marketing Leader’s Meeting), «Vertragsrecht» (Contract Law), «Werkzeugbau 4.0» (Tool Making 4.0) and the Punch and Die Maker’s Meeting «Hart auf Hart»
- Online events such as the «11-Uhr-Loch» (“11 o'clock gap”) seminar series or the «Spätschicht» (Late Shift) digital round table
- Regular appointments such as the annual general meeting and event the night before, applied forums, as well as barbecues and ski weekends
The VDWF is self-financed. Around one third of total expenses are paid for through membership fees, income from training and further education, and through trade fair offers and income from the magazine respectively. No public funds are used.
With its association work, the VDWF pursues four overarching goals:
- Visibility of German tool and mold making
- in the world and in Europe
- in Germany and its individual regions
- in public, also for young people
- Training and further education within the industry
- Inter-company trainee programs
- Application-oriented courses of study
- Seminars, working groups, and delegation trips
- Maintaining and expanding technological leadership
- Exchange of experience
- Research projects
- Transfer of technology
- Provide a culture of and opportunities for open interaction within the VDWF
- Nationwide presence
- Diverse range of appointments and meetings
- Open communication among members